• Verry Mardiyanto Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
  • Ursa Agniya Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
  • Salwa Putri Maharani Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
Keywords: Religious Literature, Interfaith, Religious Literacy Center


This study aims to formulate and map the roles and strategic values of the Religious Library Website and Religious Literacy Center as platforms for interfaith information in Indonesia. This research seeks to provide a comprehensive description and analysis of the significance and impact of these websites, as well as the efforts made by their administrators to disseminate information that transcends religious boundaries. Additionally, this research explores the role of the Religious Literacy Center as a paradigm in managing the wealth of religious literature from various denominations of belief. The research focus is directed toward a specific sample, Pusat Literasi Keagamaan (PUSLIKA) or Religious Literacy Center located at the Regional Library of Banten. The research method employed is online observation of the Religious Library Website, where various aspects of the website are analyzed and expanded upon. The available information includes six religious categories, religious figures, and religious celebrations. The findings of the research indicate that this website can serve as a model for other libraries, including the Regional Library, to implement online dissemination of religious information. The main findings of this research affirm that understanding religious diversity can be enhanced through religious literacy, one of which can be obtained through access to the Religious Library Website and Religious Literacy Center. Visitors to the website and the library have extensive access to explore various literature from diverse religions with the aim of promoting mutual respect for religious diversity. As a medium for information dissemination, libraries play a crucial role in facilitating religious understanding through textual media, which in turn contributes to the development of a multicultural society in Indonesia.


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