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Muhammad Agus Andika


Ibn Āsyūr proposed qiyās maṣlaḥat kulliyyah to operate maqasid Sharia as an approach to the ijtihad method. One of the stages in this method is formulating specific sharia objectives (maqāṣid al-syarī‘ah al-khāṣṣah) through al-istiqrā’ al-ma‘nawī. However, uṣūliyyūn has not formulated the technical steps of al-istiqrā’ al-ma‘nawī. The author assumes it is in line with the technical steps of the thematic method of Quranic interpretation (al-tafsīr al-mawḍu‘ī), so the author conducts philosophical research with an epistemological approach. The question is: How about the technical steps of the thematic method of Quranic interpretation? Can it used to formulate the specific objectives of the Sharia? This research found that the eight steps of the thematic Quranic interpretation method are following al-istiqrā’ al-ma‘nawī. The author concludes that these technical steps can used to formulate specific objectives of the Sharia in the context of carrying out ijtihad called qiyās maṣlaḥat kulliyyah.

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Andika, M. A. (2023). FORMULATING SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF SHARIA THROUGH THE THEMATIC METHODS OF QURANIC INTERPRETATION. JoMaFiM: ndonesian ournal of aqasid and iqh uqaran, 2(2), 96-109.


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