• Taufik Taufik Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry, Indonesia


Birth of Law No. 6 about the Village has given color to village development. Through the Law, it is mandated the importance of involving the community and leaders of religious leaders / leaders in village development. The presence of scholars is expected to be able to solve problems or conflicts in village development. This qualitative study aims to determine the involvement of ulama in village development in Bireuen District. The sampling technique using purposive sampling. The results of the study show that there was involvement of ulama / religious leaders in village development in Bireuen District. The involvement of ulama in village development can be seen from various aspects. Aspects in village development through deliberations on village development plans (musrenbangdes); The aspect of bureaucratic structure is the presence of ulama occupying positions in the village government; Aspects of religious education, including religious education and budget planning (Balee Beut) activities. The involvement of ulama in the Regency has not been optimal, because there are several obstacles including: (a) Still low incentives received by clerics / religious leaders; (b) Increasing the capacity of religious leaders, especially in solving village development problems; (c) Coordination between village administrations and ulema / religious leaders is not optimal. Therefore, it is expected that the Bireuen District Government can increase incentives, capacity and optimize the coordination of clerics / religious leaders in village development. So, it can realize democratic village development.

How to Cite
Taufik, T. (2019). PERAN ULAMA DALAM PEMBANGUNAN DESA DI KABUPATEN BIREUEN. l-Ijtima`i: nternational ournal of overnment and ocial cience, 4(2), 213-222.